Directions: Type a 2-3 page essay using 12 font and even double spacing with indented paragraphs. Be sure to have (1.) Hook sentence to grab your reader's attention. (2).topic sentences for each paragraph. (3.) Include 2 outside/online Articles comparing the pros and cons of Book Smarks and Street Smarts. Use 2 quotes from those 2 Articles and "Hidden Intellectualism" to persuade and inform the reader about the authors positions on the topic. Do you agree or diagree? What are the similarities and differences between book and street smarts? Is there a way to use both in Education? Explain and support your position. Be sure to use proper citation.["Titles", Authors and Dates] for all 3 articles that are textural evidence and support for your claim, position or argument. Follow the prompt closely and address what is mentioned in your essay.

PROMPT: In "Hidden Intellectualism", Gerald Graff uses his personal experience and love of sports to outline his development of analytical or critical thinking. This process laid the foundation to become an intellectual thinker. Graff offers a solution for educators to incorporate topics that appeal to the students that are non academic but street smart. He proposes using topics to teach the Art of Intellectual thinking that are relevant to today's students? He based his opinion on his own personal experience. Compare and contrast the strengths and wekness of both categories. Do you agree or disagree? EXPLAIN and support your position. What topics do you recommend for Educators that may lay the foundation for developing intellectual thinking process? Explain why.