kAdvanced Commas Coloring Clues Determine which comma rule is used in each sentence, then color the picture by number and according to the key. FANBOYS- brown Direct Address= green Coordinate Adjective= orange Non-Restrictive Clause- blue Interjection or Transition- gray/black Dialogue-red ce was conce 1. It was raining, so baseball practice was cancelled. 2. Mr. Jones, my history teacher, is my next door neighbor. 3. Spencer asked, "Has anyone seen my pencil?" 4. The blue, rusty car is my uncle Joe's. 5. Excuse me, do you know whose jacket this is? 6. Before school today, Iran 5 miles with my neighbor. 7. First, read the recipe. Then, gather the ingredients. Finally, make the meal. 8. Caitlyn, please come see me after class. 9. I chose chocolate ice cream, and Josie picked mint-chocolate chip. 10. She is, in my opinion, the smartest girl in school. II. Will you, Connor, make me a cup of tea? 12 My little brother always says, "I can do it myself!" 13. Carter has a brown, short-haired dog named Bones. 14. Isaiah, my best friend, lives near the mall. 15. Well, I'm not sure if I think that is a good idea. 16. Late last night, I thought I heard someone knocking on our door. 17. Ricky, take this note to the office. 18. I did my biography report on Henri Matisse, a famous artist. 19. We were hoping to play basketball after school, but we all had too much homework 20. ll come over around 4," he told me 21. We did our chores, then we watched T.V. 22 December in Michigan is gray, cold, and snowy. 23. Yes, you may have dessert since you ate all your vegetables 24. He didn't study very long for the test, yet he got a good grade 25 Amy go see who is at the door​