
Everyone has different likes and dislikes. In this activity, you will get the chance to find out about the life experiences of an older person. What was life like for them when they were your age? What were their particular interests? People who are older and more mature have a lifetime of experiences to share.

In the essay below, record an older friend's/relative's answers to the following questions. (Note: A tape recorder can help you record your interviewee's answers.)

What is your full name?
Where were you born?
What was your first job? How did you get it? Did you like it? What did you get paid?
What was your favorite subject in school when you were my age?
What was one of your most memorable times as a teenager?
Who was your favorite president? Why?
How has the world changed since you were my age?
What is your favorite food?
If you could relive one experience in your life, what would it be?
What is the best thing about getting older? What is the worst thing?
Did you discover that your older friend/relative has similar interests to your own? What did you learn from his/her life experiences that you could apply in your own life?