If you hold your finger next to the flame on a candle like the one in the picture, you can feel the heat, but you will not get burned; however, if you hold your finger above the candle, you will get burned. Why?

1.As the heated air rises, cooler air moves in to take its place. This causes convection and more hot air to to rise. Some thermal energy is radiated from the flane to the side of the candle, and that is why you feel the heat. It is hotter above the candle becasue of convection.

2.The shape of the candle flame directs the heat out through the top so if you place your hand at the top of the flame you could get burned

3.The sides of the candle are cooler than the flame so it doesn’t get as hot on the sides.

4.The candle absorbs the heat from the lower part of the flame so the top part of the flame is hotter.

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