Help! Todd is in a real conundrum...he's overspending and needs a plan. Read his story below and
help him put the pieces to a solid plan together before it's too late.
From Todd:
"I earn approximately $100 each month from mowing
lawns. My cell phone bill is $50 a month. I use my phone
for everything texting, downloading movies, playing
apps with my friends, you name it.
Let's see...the rest of my money goes toward hanging
out with friends ($30); buying clothes, new music, video
games ($45); and then into savings ($10). I have $70 in
savings right now.
My problem is that I didn't realize how much I was
using my phone last month until I went way, WAY over
my allowable data. When I got my bill, I flipped! I really
should have paid more attention. It was $256! I don't
have that kind of money. If I keep paying my regular $50 a
month, I'm going to continue to owe extra charges.
What else can I do? Do you have any ideas for how I can lower my expenses and increase
income so I can get rid of this debt?"no Hera