write a python function pluralNoun that takes a singular English noun as an argument and returns the plural of the noun (template code is provided at the end of this file). In the great majority of cases, this involves simply adding an -s to the end of the word. But there are some other rules you should take into account in your function. Incorporate (at least) the following:

If the singular noun ends in -ch, -s, -sh, -x, or -z, or if it ends in -o and the preceding letter is a consonant, then add -es to form the plural; e.g. church → churches, bush → bushes, fox → foxes, potato → potatoes
If the singular noun ends in -y, and the preceding letter is a consonant, then drop the y and add -ies to form the plural; e.g. city → cities (but boy → boys)
There are many exceptions; make sure your code handles at least the following six irregular plurals: man → men, woman → women, sheep → sheep, goose → geese, mouse → mice, ox → oxen.