Genetic linkage mapping for a large number of families identifies 4% recombination between the genes for Rh blood type and elliptocytosis. At the Rh locus, alleles R and r control Rh+ and Rh- blood types. Allele E producing elliptocytosis is dominant to the wild-type recessive allele e. Tom and Terri each have elliptocytosis, and each is Rh+. Tom's mother has elliptocytosis and is Rh- while his father is healthy and has Rh+.
Terri's father is Rh+ and has elliptocytosis; Terri's mother is Rh- and is healthy.

a. What is the probability that the first child of Tom and Terri will be Rh- and have elliptocytosis?

b. What is the probability that a child of Tom and Terri who is Rh+ will have elliptocytosis?

Thank you!

Genetic linkage mapping for a large number of families identifies 4 recombination between the genes for Rh blood type and elliptocytosis At the Rh locus alleles class=