please please i need help and thank you
TO write essay answers to three of the five questions below. Your answers must be at least 650 words. Answers will be graded according to four criteria:
The degree to which they show understanding of the ideas and content presented in class readings, lectures, and films/videos.
The quality of the logical reasoning in your argument
How well you use the material from lectures, readings and film/video to support your argument (draw from at least 4 examples from different sources of class material for each question – this must include drawing from at least (preferably more) two journal articles for each question)
The quality of your essay writing.
Because this is a take home , I expect your answer to be a well written, edited essay with a clear short introduction, focused discussion points and a succinct conclusion that reiterates your points. I suggest you outline 3 points that you can link in a logical argument that addresses the question. Avoid overly grandiose statements or personalized statements as they always detract from having a short focused essay. Avoid writing ‘I think’ as this is inherent in that you are the one writing. The discussion is the most important part of your essay.
Be careful not to paraphrase readings as that can be plagiarism; demonstrate that this is your synthesis of materials that address the questions you choose. Plagiarism will result in automatic failure.
Late papers will not be accepted without an extraordinary reason, like you were in the hospital for surgery. Wifi going down, etc., will not be a valid reason – please factor in these type of concerns timing wise.
QUESTIONS: (Answer 3 from the following)
Policing is influenced by local identity, economy and power. Discuss
“The opposite of poverty is not wealth. In too many places, the opposite of poverty is justice.” Brian Stevenson. Discuss
Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance (1985) by James Scott is often referred to in Anthropological literature, including by Eric Wolf in his article from class. Rather than seeing ‘resistance as organization’, Scott looks at less visible, every-day forms of resistance such as ‘foot-dragging, evasion, false compliance, pilfering, feigned ignorance, slander and sabotage’. Scott's theories are often contrasted with GRAMSCIAN ideas about HEGEMONY. Against Gramsci, Scott argues that the everyday resistance of subalterns (dispossessed, or oppressed people) shows that they have not consented to dominance. Without needing to engage Scott and/or Gramsci directly, make an argument in response to these contrasting positions.
A single act of vigilantism voices a broad array of possible messages. Discuss
A worldwide phenomena, hegemonic masculinity is actively negotiated and resisted. Discuss