Simple Animals
Match the phylum with the description or example. Some have more than one answer, which is indicated by a number in paranthesis.
A. Porifera
B. Cnidaria
C. Platyhelminthes
D. Nematoda

Other Resources on Simple Animals
Planarian Observation Lab
Animal Symmetry
Animal Phylum Matching
1. _B_ Stinging cells
2. _C__ flatworms
3. _C,D__ bilateral symmetry (2)
4. __B,C_ gastrovascular cavity (2)
5. __D_ roundworms
6. ___ complete digestive tract
7. ___ planarian
8. ___ jellyfish
9. ___ amebocytes
10. ___ osculum
11. ___ all are sessile
12. ___ hydra
13. ___ tapeworm
14. ___ anus
15. ___ cnidocytes
16. ___ tentacles
17. ___ trichinella
18. ___ fluke
19. ___ filter feeders
20. ___ many are parasitic (2)