Are most of the businesses currently operating in the United States manufacturing
Do businesses vary in size from one employee to more than a million employees?
Is an organization that produces or distributes a good or service for profit called a business?
Do service businesses produce goods?.
Does marketing deal with money matters related to running a business?
Does the supply of a product refer to the number of similar products that will be bought
at a particular point in time and at a particular price?
Do some businesses produce goods that other businesses use to make things?
Are banks and investment companies classified as goods-producing businesses?
Because a government provides fire and police protection, can it be considered an
Are service businesses growing faster than goods-producing businesses?
Does effectiveness occur when an organization produces needed goods or services quickly
and at low cost?
Are firms that are extremely efficient always very effective?.
Is the concept of total quality management a commitment to excellence that is accom-
plished by teamwork and continual improvement?
Is the Malcolm Baldrige Award presented by the Japanese government?
Has re-engineering increased customer satisfaction for most firms that use it?.
Is the franchisor the distributor of a franchised product or service?.........
20. Does risk in business involve competition from new products?.
Does output refer to the quantity, or amount, produced within a given time?
Has the growth in U.S. productivity resulted in American employees working fewer
hours compared to workers in other countries?
Do innovations refer only to the invention of new products?.