Read article and answer questions using a few key terms

How have humans adapted to or modified the environment? How is it impacting the land and people? How do cultural beliefs and ties to the land impact the speaker?
(Culture material culture, non-material culture, society, cultural universal and particular, Six institutions of culture, Socialization/ Enculturation, agent of socialization, Beliefs, Values, Norms
Geography Geographer, Region, Space, Place, Location, Movement, Human-Environment Interaction, adapt, modify)

How does the speaker suggest that religion and/or indigenous knowledge systems can address the identified problem? Explain. How can you describe the speaker’s religious or traditional ideology?
(Religion indigenous, folk or traditional religions, animism, monotheistic, polytheistic, secular, agnostic, atheist, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, pilgrimage)

What is the worldview of the speaker when it comes to economic systems and their connection to the natural or eco-system? Use some of the key terms to describe it.
Need, Want, Goods, Services, Scarcity, Shortage, Factors of production (Land, labor, capital), Physical capital, Human capital, Entrepreneur
Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) or traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)
ecological or natural system, ecological goods and services; natural resources; bioregion, community vs. commodity, private interest vs. common good; common ground)