1. From what you have learned about Confucius, which saying do you feel most closely relates to the message behind his teachings? Why?
2. List three aphorisms that you agree with most and explain why.
3. Do you recognize any of these aphorisms as being taught in other religions you have learned about? Explain.
4. List three aphorisms that you disagree with or do not find terribly useful. Explain.
5. Is there anything missing from the list that stands out in your mind as something that was important to Confucius’s teachings? Explain. If not, is there an aphorism that doesn’t match his teaching at all? Explain.
Let’s Revive the Golden Rule
1. Why is Armstrong feeling frustrated and how does Confucius relate to her frustration?
2. Armstrong says, “The task of our time, one of the great tasks of our time, is to build a global society, as I said, where people can live together in peace.” How do you think this relates to what Confucius said or thought?
3. Just as there was debate around whether Confucianism was a religion or a philosophical mindset, do you feel that Armstrong is trying to promote a new way of religious thinking or a philosophical mindset?
4. If you had to guess, would you think that Armstrong agrees or disagrees with the teachings of Confucius? Why?
5. Would you like to be a religious historian? Why or why not?