What is Paul D’s opinion of love?
2. Analyze the significance of the image of “the shadows of three people…held hands.”
3. What is the significance of the lumberyard roses? 
4. How does Denver’s feelings about Paul D change throughout the chapter?  What causes the change?
5. Provide at least 3 unusual details about the new character.  What conclusion can you draw from these
details and the imagery surrounding her arrival?

6. Who was Sethe’s father and how was he different?  What parental relationship do you see present,
and what significance can you derive in terms of the whole novel thus far?
7. What is your answer to the last line of the chapter six? Who is asking the question, and of whom?
8. Characterize the speaker of the line: “I take the shoes!  I take the dress! The shoestrings don’t fix!”
9. What has happened to Paul D’s heart?  What does this relate back to? 
10. What causes the “wildness in [the] eye” in chapter seven?

use the book Beloved for the answer!