i need help with my test please
11. Customer care sites should be functional and visually pleasing, but they do need not be elaborate or incorporate every bell and whistle is indicative of which action tip for better service on the Web.
a. Be there and be quick
b. Provide communication alternatives
c. Pay attention to form and function
d. Make site navigation simple
12. Peace tokens work just as well online as they do off-line is indicative of which action tip that can take your website to new levels of e-service effectiveness and give customers a better experience:
a. Build an ongoing E-relationship
b. Track customer traffic
c. Teach your site to learn
d. End high for better loyalty
13. Dynamic websites let customers know the organization is listening and responding to their needs is indicative of which action tip that can take your website to new levels of effectiveness and give customers a better experience:
a. Teach your site to learn
b. Build an ongoing E-relationship
c. Track customer traffic
d. End high for better loyalty
14. The following statement: The best companies typically use active, multimedia employee communication and training is indicative of which A-plus information category?
a. Provide informational hand-holding
b. Message clarity
c. Select informational media carefully
d. User groups
15. The following statement from Dr. Sherron Bienvenu Instead of telling the reader that his order cannot be shipped as planned, start the message with a thank you for ordering… is indicative of which typical problem found in company informational documents?
a. Abrupt tone
b. Failure to offer an alternative to solve a problem
c. Failure to provide a reasonable explanation
d. Failure to express appreciation
16. The following statement from Dr. Sherron Bienvenu If you are not sure the customer will know the meaning of a term, use a simpler, clearer description is indicative of which typical problem found in company informational documents?
a. Abrupt tone
b. Failure to express appreciation
c. Use of clichés or jargon
d. Failure to offer an alternative to solve a problem
17. It is not a good idea for employees to make notes of customer complaints when the customer is in front of them.
a. True
b. False
18. We are seeing a shift from individualized marketing where we send a unique personalized message to each person to mass marketing – sending the same message to a large number of people in hopes that some of them will respond favorably.
a. True
b. False
19. Ross Dawson identifies three key domains for customer communication. Which one below is not one of them?
a. Presence
b. Human connectivity
c. Special offer pricing
d. Automated
20. Which of the following represents changes companies will need to adapt to, to remain competitive?
a. Customer demographics
b. Technological changes
c. Demand for increased personalization by customers
d. All of the Above