The House Committee on House Aoministration has jurisoiction over federal elections. It consicers provosals to ameno federal election aw and to
monitor conaressional elections across the United States. It is conductina investigative hearinas into redistrictina practices and their impact on
federal elections
Prepare an essay in the form ot an argument that favors or opposes gerrymandering as a metnod for helping ensure fairness in representation
This argument should include as support at least one provision of the U.S. Constitution (including amendments) or legislation, and one additional piece of relevant evidence from case of Shaw v Reno (1993).
In vour resoonse. be sure to
• Articulate a detensible claim or mnesis mat responas to ine question
• support your claim or inesis wit at least two pieces or accurate ana relevant evidence:
One piece of relevant evidence from the U.S. Constitution (includina amendments
• One additional piece of relevant evidence from case of Shaw v. Reno (1993).
• use reasonina to organize and analvze vour evidence.
• Respona to an opposina or alternate perspective usina retutation, concession, or rebuttal