Fred Khumalo is the internal auditor for about 10 years of a major insurance company that has both a short and long term portfolio. He enjoys all the perks offered to him and has been nominated to the board as a regional director. However, he had become aware that the CEO was processing claims that were redundant and siphoning funds into various accounts. When he questioned these transactions he was told to ignore the issue and merely sign off the audit records. He broached the issue with the CFO who told him to ignore it and pretend it did not exist. Even the COO and other members also shrugged and some did not even wish to comment, instead mumbling incoherent sentences and excusing themselves. Kuulo finally decided to approach the CEO directly and informed him that if he does not come clean, he will inform the shareholders. The CEO asked Khumalo to give the matter careful thought and not to jeopardize his poution-adding that if humalo seeks employment elsewhere, it will be impossible to find alternate employment or even start out on his own Two weeks later, without poor warning Khumalo was transferred to another branch where a position was created for Fox effect, thamalo had been fired Diss Khumalo's right to blow the whale on the CEO?