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Read the following paragraph and answer this question: Why do witch hunts represent a continuity from the past? Explain thoroughly.

The Reformation and the religious violence that followed led to a fascination with “witches” and driving them out (seen both in Europe and in the New World). As the textbook says on p. 420, “the relationship between the Reformation and the upsurge in trials for witchcraft that occurred at roughly the same time is complex. Increasing persecution for witchcraft actually began before the Reformation in the 1480s, but it became especially common about 1560 and continued until roughly 1660. Both Protestants and Catholics tried and executed witches, with church officials and secular authorities acting together.” These trials normally targeted single women and did not require more than one witness. Historians often see these witch hunts as a lingering “continuity” from Medieval times, even though the Reformation was generally a time of great change.