1)What did workers try to do in response to the changes?
2)What changes did workers want?
3)Describe what happened and the results of each of the following: a)Railroad Strike of 1877
b)Haymarket Incident
c)Pullman Strike
4)What patterns developed in the disputes and events that concern labor?
5)What were the problems and complaints of farmers?
6)What were the Granger Laws?
7)What did the Populists want?
8)How successful were the Populists?
9)What happened in the election of 1896 and why is it important?
10)Briefly describe and explain the significance
a)William Jennings Bryan
b)Cross of Gold speech
c)William McKinley
11)What was an outcome of the limited success of the Populists that was bad for society, especially African Americans?
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