Abstract: Life expectancy has been shown to be a good indicator of standard of living, as countries with high life expectancies are often those with good nutrition, affluence, and medical care. A demographer wanted to compare life expectancies (given in years) in South America and the Middle East to estimate living standards in the two regions. She randomly selected six countries from each region, and looked up their life expectancies. B 4 Reference: United States Census Bureau International Database D 5 Variable Names: 7 Life-Exp: Life Expectancy at Birth 3 Region: South America (SA) or Middle East (ME) 9 Country: Nation name D 1 Country 2 Columbia 3 Brazil 4 Argentina 5 Ecuador 6 Peru 7 Venezuela 8 Iran 9 Iraq 0 Jordan 1 Lebanon 2 Syria 3 Saudi Arabia Ready Region SA SA SA SA SA SA ME ME ME ME ME ME Life-Exp 70.3 62.9 75.1 71.1 70 73.1 69.7 66.5 77.4 71.3 68.5 67.8 1-Life expectancies 2 - Your Tree Data 3- Tree Ht-Circum Data Question 1: The demographer has asked you to analyse and summarise the data. Create a table that shows the shortest and longest life expectancies for each region and overall for the entire dataset. Use appropriate Excel expressions to obtain your answers. Be sure to include a title for the table and meaningful labels for each column or row as appropriate (with units if necessary). (/10) CREATE YOUR TABLE HERE: