Geographers study cultural traits, ideas, and practices and their diffusion across space and in
places. These traits, ideas, and practices can change through a variety of processes.
A. Describe TWO economic factors that have contributed to similarities between the cultural
landscapes shown in Image 1 and Image 2.
B. Explain how increased Internet access throughout the world contributes to cultural
C. Describe a process by which an ethnic food can be modified as it spreads from its country
of origin.
D. Explain the degree to which the process of syncretism affects the cultural landscapes of
New York City and Tokyo.
E. Explain a possible limitation of comparing Image 1 and Image 2 to understand how
population density affects the environment and natural resources in New York City and Tokyo.
*The first photo is in times square new york and the second is shibuya crossing tokyo

Geographers study cultural traits ideas and practices and their diffusion across space and in places These traits ideas and practices can change through a varie class=