
Regular time: Rick worked 40 hours. Hourly pay is $8.40 × $8 = $320.00Write $320.00 in the column to the right of Regular Time. Overtime: Rick worked 9.5 hours. Overtime pay is $12 ($8 hourly wage + $4 half of hourly wage)9.5 × $12 = $114.00Write $114.00 in the column to the right of Overtime.Gross pay:Add all earnings together to calculate gross pay$320.00 + $114.00 = $434.00Write $434.00 in the column to the right of Gross Pay.Federal withholding: According to the earnings statement, federal withholding will be calculated at 15 percent of gross pay.$434.00 × .15 (15%) = $65.10Write $65.10 in the column to the right of federal withholding FICA: According to the earnings statement, FICA tax will be calculated at 8 percent of gross pay.$434.00 × .08 (8%) = $34.72Write $34.72 in the column to the right of FICA.State withholding: According to the earnings statement, state withholding will be calculated at 2 percent of gross pay.$434.00 × .02 (2%) = $8.68Write $8.68 in the column to the right of state withholdingRetirement: According to the earnings statement, retirement will be calculated at 4 percent of gross pay.$434.00 × .04 (4%) = $17.36Write $17.36 in the column to the right of retirement hospital/medical contribution: The activity instructions indicated that the hospital/medical contribution is $10 a week. Write $10 in the column to the right of hospital/medical contribution total deductions: Add the amounts in the Deductions section of the earnings statement.$65.10$34.72$ 8.68$17.36$10.00$135.86Write $135.86 in the column to the right of total deductions.Net Pay: Net pay is gross pay minus total deductions$434.00 - $135.86 = $298.14Write $298.14 in the column to the right of Net Pay.