5. Daily Temperature Strip Charts. Aspiring meteorologist Jesse Kosch has collected data on the daily high temperature in Valentine, Nebraska, for over an entire year. Jesse then used a strip chart to display each day’s high temperature by month.

a. Which of the following statements accurately criticizes this chart?

i. It is not clear what each data point represents.
ii. The chart suffers from occlusion as there is no distinct data point for each day in each month.
iii. A line chart would better display this data.
iv. The chart needs to use color differentiation.

b. How could Jesse best improve this visualization?

i. Differentiate each month with a different color
ii. Jitter each data point vertically
iii. Change the horizontal axis to the day of the year and plot as a time series chart
iv. Use hollow dots instead of solid dots and horizontally jitter each data point