View and read through the required essay questions: HST510_FRQ_AE_Current_Balance_of_Power_TGA
View and read through the rubric (point system) for the essay: HST510_FRQ_AE_Current_Balance_of_Power_Scoring_Guide
Revisit the PowerPoint: Martinez_APGOV_FRQ Arugumentation
View the Video: How to Write an Argumentation Essay for an AP Government class (This is about 20 minutes and this is a link listed below)
Read through the Argumentation Cheat Sheet.
Skim through the primary sources required to use for this FRQ. You want to skim through the documents and begin to find the documents that you can use to support your claim. Remember that there are four documents but you only need to select two. Which two do you select? First you must write your claim and then decide on the two documents that would support your claim.
A reminder: Please make sure to review and understand: Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
a. U.S. Constitution

b. Brutus 1 and Brutus_No_1_Excerpts

c. United States v. Lopez (this is a link)

d. Marbury v. Madison