Writing promp: How can dreams and aspirations positively or negatively affect people's Ives and relationships? What qualities make a dream worth pursuing? How do people decide when a dream is unrealistic, out of reach, or even harmful?
Think about the selections in this unit. Choose two selections from the unit and write an Informative essay that analyzes the impact of dreams and aspirations on the lives and relationships of the people and characters in these texts. Along with information from the selections, include research from at least three other credible print and digital sources to support your ideas.
Your informative essay should include:
⚫ an introduction that features a clear thesis statement.
⚫ body paragraphs that contain a thorough analysis as well as
relevant evidence in support of your thesis. ⚫ cited research from at least three credible print and digital sources
that support your ideas.
a concluding paragraph that effectively wraps up the essay and summarizes support for your thesis statement
Review your thesis statement and the supporting details you evaluated and recorded in your Supporting Details Organizer. This information will help you to create a road map to use for writing your essay. You may also wish to consult the graphic organizers you completed during the Prewrite and Organize Informative Writing lessons.
Consider the following questions as you develop your main paragraph topics and their supporting details in the road map:
In the space below, copy the Organize Informative/Explanatory Essay Road Map (outline) that you completed for the Extended Writing Project: Plan assignment (page 184of your study guide)
There's something in the attachments to help also :)