Nearly 1.8 million bachelor’s degrees and over 750,000 master’s degrees are awarded annually by U.S. postsecondary institutions (National Center for Education Statistics website, November, 2014). The department of Education tracks the field of study for these graduates in the following categories: business (b), Computer Sciences and Engineering (CSE), Education (E), Humanities (H), Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM), Social and behavioral Sciences (SbS), and Other (O). Consider the following samples of 100 graduates: bachelor’s degree field of Study SbS O H SbS b O SbS NSM H E H b CSE SbS H H NSM NSM b b H b CSE b SbS SbS NSM SbS b O H O O H O H CSE O O b E O CSE NSM b CSE H H O b b H b b b CSE H H O b O b H b O b E b NSM O SbS O O O O E E SbS H O NSM SbS O SbS b CSE SbS SbS E O CSE O SbS SbS O SbS CSE NSM b OMaster’s degree field of Study O O O H SbS CSE b b CSE E O E b H b b O E O O b SbS b b b E E b O SbS O b O E CSE CSE O O H E b CSE E SbS H b b E b E E H CSE E b E NSM E O O b b NSM E b CSE H H b SbS H E O b CSE O E O E b E E b O SbS E b O CSE b b O E E b O E O O O a. Provide a percent frequency distribution of field of study for each degree. b. Construct a bar chart for field of study for each degree. c. what is the lowest percentage field of study for each degree? d. what is the highest percentage field of study for each degree? e. which field of study has the largest increase in percentage from bachelor’s to masters’?