
Read the article below.
Copy and Paste into your submission: 2 "golden lines" from the article, meaning things that really impacted and impressed you.
Briefly explain why you chose each 'golden line'.

But how much can this ever-present object influence our behavior and emotions? According to research (Links to an external site.), music has a significant impact on humans. It can potentially affect disease, depression, expenditure, productivity, and our outlook on life. The impact of music on our brain is being better understood thanks to advances in neuroscience and the examination of music’s impact on the brain. It has been shown via brain scans that when we listen to or perform music, nearly all brain regions are active simultaneously. Listening to and making music may actually changes the way your brain works (Links to an external site.).
Because of how strong of an influence melodies and lyrics have on society, we must be acutely aware of our current culture. Still, more importantly, we must be conscious of the cultures we wish to build and develop via our music. Songs have the power to change the world in unexpected ways, challenging preconceived notions and shedding light on issues that have historically been ignored.