Eddie's teacher has assigned his class to write an account of the worst day of school they ever experienced. Eddie wrote the following paragraph, however, his teacher returned it to him and asked him to revise it using more specific language to express his ideas.

Read Eddie's paragraph below. Decide which words he's used that may be general or vague. Refer to the resources in Lesson 3.1 to help you. Then rewrite the paragraph using more specific language.

March 22, 2014 was a very bad day. We had a substitute teacher in Math which meant that I had a lot of homework. I always spend a lot of time on homework as it was, so I wasn't feeling very good about having to spend more time. I didn't get how to do the assignment. After Math, I ended up spilling a ton of coffee on my sweatshirt. Then on my way home, my car stalled making me sad and angry. Finally, I got home but had so much stuff to do that I just felt like going to bed.