Computer with Internet access 14 Days: A Timeline article
Assignment Instructions
For this project, you are expected to submit two (2) items:
1. Completed Tracking Hurricane Katrina chart
2. Brief essay to summarize your findings about hurricane forecasting and advance warning
systems for hurricanes
Step 1: Prepare for the project.
a) Read through the guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project.
b) If anything is not clear to you, be sure to ask your teacher.
Step 2: Read the background information about hurricanes.
a) Be sure you can answer these questions:
1.) How do hurricanes form?
2.) How are hurricanes classified?
3.) What kind of damage can hurricanes cause?
Step 3: Read the 14 Days: A Timeline article.
a) As you read, complete the Tracking Hurricane Katrina chart, which can be found at the end of this
document. Not all the dates will have every box filled.
b) Be sure that you note the date from the timeline along with the other information shown in the
Step 4: Dig deeper through research.
a) Conduct research to answer these questions:
1.) How do forecasters predict hurricanes?
2.) What are the advanced warning systems for hurricanes, and how do they work?
b) Be sure to use reliable Internet sources such as the following:
1.) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
2.) Encyclopedia Britannica:
c) Summarize your findings in a brief essay. Your essay should include two parts:
1.) Forecasting and advance warnings about hurricanes
2) Data from Hurricane Katrina and how those data could have been used to better protect
lives and property
d) As you focus on part two of your essay, use the chart you created and facts and details from the
sources you explored.
e) Include a list of Internet sources with your essay.
Step 5: Evaluate your project using this checklist.
If you can check each box below, you are ready to submit your project.
A. Is your chart complete with facts and details from the 14 Days: A Timeline article?
B. Does your essay include researched facts about forecasting hurricanes and advance warning
A. Does your essay include a section that explains how early warning systems may have been
better used during Hurricane Katrina?
B. Does your essay include a list of Internet sources you used?
C. Have you edited your essay to be sure that it is organized and easy to read and has correct
grammar, usage, and mechanics?
Step 6: Revise and submit your project.
a) If you were unable to check off all the requirements on the checklist, go back and make sure
that your project is complete. Save your project before submitting it.
b) Turn in your chart and essay to your teacher through the virtual classroom.
c) Congratulations! You have completed your project.