1. If you lift a one liter water bottle over your head by one half meter, determine:
a) The amount of force you a =
Newtons or 2.2 lbs
b) The amount of work you in lifting the bottle once =
At Chipotle, a Burrito with Guacamole contains 860 Calories.
a) This is equivalent to
Joules or 1.2
calories and approximately 3,600,000 Joules. Show
b) How many Kilowatt Hours of energy is contained in this Burrito? Answer: 1! Show
c) Therefore, you will have to lift the water bottle (as in #1).
times to burn off
the Calories from the burrito (assume you are 100% efficient and converting food
energy to work). Show your work! (to see if you are right, your answer should be a
more than 100,000 and less than one million).