QUESTION !p 1.1 Mrs Jordan intends to build a house and she was given a quotation for R1.795 million to build the house ANNEXURE A in the addendum shows the floor plan of the house, study the floor plan and answer the following questions. 1.1.1 How many windows are there in the floor plan? Explain the meaning of the scale given on the floor plan. 1.13 Give the general direction of the kitchen from bedroom 2. 1.1.2 1.1.4 Eastern wall measured length is I lem. Use the scale to calculate the actual length of the wall. 1.15 Write R1.795 million in number format. 116 Building material cost is R825 000, what percentage does it represent of the total quotation? (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)​