
"It is ordered and unanimously agreed upon, that the Government which this [body politic] doth
attend unto in this Island, and the Jurisdiction thereof, in favour of our Prince is a [democracy].
or Popular Government; that is to say, It is in the [power] of the Body of Freemen orderly
assembled, or the major part of them, to make or constitute Just Lawes, by which they will be
regulated, and to depute from among themselves such Ministers as shall see them faithfully
executed between Man and Man."
Text III Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England, 1641
How did the Dominion of New England (1686) affect governments like the one described above?
Choose 1 answer:
It abolished legislative assemblies and reinforced the authoritarian model of colonial rule.
It backed the legitimacy of colonial governments.
It created a parliamentary system in the colonies.