For this Checkpoint Assignment you will use everything taught thus far in the chapter and practice it in MS Project. To begin, go to Page 53 in your Lab Manual Textbook. This assignment will use the assignment titled Organizing a Blood Drive at Your Community College with a few modifications. Open a blank file and save it as listed in the assignment. There are many ways to add tasks, modify files, etc. in Project. You may choose to complete some of these in a way taught in class – that is okay! Set your tasks to auto-scheduled immediately, before beginning. You are reminded to do so in the assignment, however it is beneficial to get into a routine so that you don’t forget! Once you have finished the assignment, save your file and complete the chart below. Question Type Your Answer Here:
What is the duration of the first two tasks added together?
List the Start Date of the first task and the end date of the second task? If it spans over more calendar time than the duration, explain why it does so.
What is the Date of the Milestone “Blood Drive Begins”? What is the end date of Create promotional materials?
Why is there a delay before the next task starts? Go back into your file. Change the task dependency between Schedule Appointments and Check Site Arrangements from S-S to F-S. Save this file as Modified Checkpoint 1 – Last NameFirstName. Answer the questions below:
What happened to the finish date of the project? Why? Explain.