Choose two of the following scenarios. Label the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, neutral/conditioned stimulus and conditioned response in both of the chosen scenarios.

Scenario 1: An ice cream truck frequently stops in Jamal's neighborhood during the summer months. Jamal loves ice cream! Just the thought of it makes him crave a nice, cold ice cream cone. Now, every time Jamal hears the song from the ice cream truck, his mouth starts watering.
Scenario 2: Sally's little brother has been torturing her with his green foam ball. Every time he sees her lately, he throws the ball right at her. Now, Sally flinches just at the sight of the green ball.
Scenario 3: Sophia usually loves bananas, but last week she got really sick and vomited right after eating one. Now, just the sight or smell of a banana makes her nauseous.
Scenario 4: Marvin has major anxiety about tests. Every time his math teacher wears a Hawaiian shirt, he gives a pop quiz! Now, just the sight of a Hawaiian shirt makes Marvin anxious.

This is a Psychology Assignment btw