Another Reason to Play
Can the skills you learned in this module help you get a job playing games?
Have you ever wanted to "play-test" a new game? (Play testers volunteer-or are hired-to try out new games and provide feedback to the game's
creators) Read the game rules for Big Idea below
The Situation
The Details
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Guidelines and Rubric
According to lead designer Katelynn Swanson, Big Idea is designed to challenge a player's story-telling abilities and reasoning skills-while entertaining
and impressing the player's friends, of course. Click the image below to read the game rules for Big Idea
Big Idea
For 3-6 players/Ages 8 to adult
Object: Each player must create an original story based on the ingredients" drawn
from the decks of idea cards. To win a round, a player must correctly guess the
theme or "big idea behind a player's story
<7 of 7
one die
one deck of People Change cards
one deck of The Plot Thickens cards
ono dock of Sumbolize Thiel carde

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