. Answer this question: Does a tree falling over in a forest make a sound if there is no receptor (human or animal ear) to hear it? In your answer, describe why you think it does or does not. Describe how you would test your hypothesis. Use relevant terms.
Sound Wave Diag Freq Amp2. Choose one of the following assignments to complete: (Please indicate your choice)

a. Research and write a short paper (1-2 pages) on the field of sound engineering or acoustic architecture. Be sure to include the kind of training that people need to practice in this field and the kinds of job opportunities that are available. You might want to look into anechoic chambers and write more about how they are made and what they are used for.

b. Find out more about sound frequencies and write 1-2 pages about your discoveries. Did you know that some animals can hear sounds that we humans can't? Do some research on dogs, cats, bats, whales and dolphins (or any other animals you may be interested in) and find out what frequencies they can hear. Find out how they use sound. Do they use it for navigating? For gathering food? For other specialized tasks?
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c. Dogs can hear sounds that we can't. Research dogs and find out what frequencies they can hear. Write down what you find out. Using what you just learned, write a short story (1-2 pages) on what it might be like to be a dog. Include a description of what you might hear and how it might affect you if you were a dog. Your story can be fictional or nonfictional - it can be whatever you want it to be!

d. Do some research on low-frequency active sonar and write 1-2 pages on your findings. Give more details on LFA sonar and its intended uses. What is the controversy about? What do you think should be done about it? Try to become informed about both sides of the issue before you form an opinion.