
The film is about that, The Crusades were a set of religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims to gain control of the "holy land." The war went on Throughout 1096 to 1921 and were bloody, cruel, fights. They mainly took place in Medittarean area and were supported by the Latin Church. My writing

Now think of how you could “sell” your documentary to a movie studio. Write a short sales pitch that includes a brief write-up describing what would be included in your film and why it would be important for viewers to see it. The pitch should include visuals, such as photographs, paintings, and illustrations, to make your sales pitch more appealing to a potential customer. Be sure to use good-quality pictures. They shouldn’t look fuzzy or grainy. They should be visually appealing. Your movie pitch should be 150 to 200 words long. It should include these elements:

a short summary of the film’s topic
descriptive wording that highlights the events of the film and their significance
fun and engaging writing that grabs the audience’s attention and will persuade someone to make the film
a good argument with logical reasoning and solid evidence that will convince people to see the film
interesting images of people, places, and artifacts that are relevant to your film