Match the following with their definitions
2. Falling action
3. Rising Action
4. Theme
5. Resolution
6. Main character
7. Minor character
8. Setting
9. Foreshadowing
10. Conflict
11. Protagonist
12. Antagonist
13. 3 person
14. 3d person omniscient
15. Myth
16. Folk Tale
17. Man vs. man
18. Man vs. nature
19. Man vs self
20. Exposition
21. Irony
22. 1 person
23. Characterization
24. Inference
25. Plot
Date 8/17/20 Block
A a series of related events
I a logical guess based on facts
Cthe techniques writers use to develop characters
D. the narrator is not a character in the story but is telling
the story
E a conflict between the character and another
I an internal conflict
Can author's use of cloes about future events
Ita conflict between the character and nature
I the narrator telling the story is not a character in the
story and knows all
J. the narrator is a character in the story
K the main problem in the story
the main idea or message in the story
M. the contrast between what is expected and what
actually exists or happens
N. the first part of a plot line that introduces the
characters and setting
O the "good guy" in the story
the "bad guy" in the story
the turning point of the story
R the part of the story in which the suspense builds
S the characters the story is mainly about
J characters that do not change or have a main part in
The story
U the conflict is solved
V events leading to the end of the story
W the time and place a story takes place
X. a legendary mythological story with a hero
Y. a tale or legend passed on traditionally