Paragraph 6 My life as a teenager in Colonial America would have been different from my life as a teenager in America today. Although differences would appear in almost every aspect of my life, I will compare the two time periods just in terms of chores, education, and recreation. For example, the chores I do today are quite different from those I would have done in colonial days. I usually just have to make my bed, keep my room clean, and help clear the table after supper. Sometimes I have to wash the dishes and take out the trash, but not all the time. In colonial days, though, I might have had to get up at sunrise to milk the cows or gather chicken eggs. I also might have had to chop firewood and start a fire before breakfast. Worse yet, I not only would have washed the dishes, but also might have had to haul water from a well before I could wash them! School would also have been different in colonial days. Today I study six different subjects in six different rooms with six different teachers. Back then, I probably would have been in a one-room schoolhouse. One teacher would have taught all subjects and grades, and we probably would have studied reading and writing mostly, without many choices of electives. Other chores I might have had to do include plowing the field, planting crops, or cleaning out the barn. Similarly, what I would have done for recreation in colonial days is different from what I do now. Today I like to play video games, watch TV, or listen to CDs. Back then, those things wouldn’t even have existed. I probably would have run races. Maybe I would have drawn pictures in the dirt with a stick. Teenagers managed to have fun back then even without modern inventions.
Write a transition word that will link the last sentence of this passage to preceding sentences.